• 5-Day Training Course

Transformer Maintenance

Date Venue Fees Enroll

21 Apr - 25 Apr 2025

Dubai - UAE


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23 Jun - 27 Jun 2025

Dubai - UAE


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18 Aug - 22 Aug 2025

London - UK


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20 Oct - 24 Oct 2025

Dubai - UAE


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01 Dec - 05 Dec 2025

São Paulo - Brazil


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Course Introduction

Transformer training is crucial since they are the key link in any power distribution system and likely the least understood. With an understanding of the construction and maintenance of transformers, you will be able to make informed decisions about the performance and operation of this costly piece of equipment. This transformer training course provides a comprehensive overview of electrical transformers found in the industry. It is targeted to those involved in the installation, operation and maintenance of electrical power systems. The course is a fundamental course covering basic transformers theory, applications, construction, maintenance, and testing. Our instruction will provide the greatest possible exposure to transformer construction and maintenance that can be achieved in two days. Anyone who works on or near power generation, transmission, or distribution systems should attend this course. Additionally, supervisors, managers, safety personnel, and those responsible for ensuring a safe work environment should attend this course.

This course covers the theory, operation, maintenance and testing of power transformers and auxiliary equipment. Topics included are transformer fundamentals, transformer ratings, transformer cooling, nitrogen gas systems and insulation systems. The source concludes with in-depth discussions on transformer testing techniques. This course is applicable to technicians and engineers who need a sound understanding of power transformer operation and maintenance.

Participants will learn safe and proper maintenance and testing procedures on pad-mounted, power transformers. The course covers transformers used in commercial and industrial power distribution systems, including oil and dry-type units. Larger power transformers used in utility applications are also covered.

Load and no-load tap changer maintenance, ac and dc testing, routine inspections and oil sampling and testing are covered in detail. Students will learn how to perform routine oil tests, and understand how to perform the major tests that are required. A variety of electrical test equipment from various manufacturer’s will be discussed.  In summary, at the end of the course, the attendee will have a solid background in power transformers testing and maintenance. 

Daily Topics

For Registration, Course Outline & more information please contact

NAYEL Training Centre 

T: +971 4 379 7245 | M: +971 50 249 6876 WhatsApp +971 50 249 6876

Email [email protected]


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