Production Engineering OFM DB

Oil Field Manager (OFM) well and reservoir analysis software provides a cost-effective and integrated environment in which to accomplish complex workflows, forecasting analysis, and visualization of reservoir and production data

Date Venue Fees Enroll

14 Jul - 29 Jul 2025

Dubai - UAE


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06 Oct - 21 Oct 2025

Dubai - UAE


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15 Dec - 30 Dec 2025

Dubai - UAE


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Course Introduction

Oil Field Manager (OFM) Software is selected for the course; as the standard solution for production Surveillance, Analysis, and Forecasting. OFM acts as a single focal point of analysis for reservoir and production engineers to collaborate and manage more wells in less time. It allows engineers to view, relate, and analyze reservoir and production data with comprehensive workflow tools such as bubble maps, diagnostic plots, and decline curve analysis. OFM provides fast filtering capabilities that improve field performance by promptly identifying the well(s) that offer an opportunity to increase production.



The participants will be able to:

  • Create OFM project from scratch using available production and reservoir data
  • Use filters to screen out unwanted entities for analysis & group project data at multiple levels
  • Create calculated variables
  • Explore OFM analysis dashboard
  • Forecast production with powerful decline and type curve analysis
  • Day to day production performance surveillance (well – field -area – company)
  • Create production wedges (Expl. – Dev. – RC – DNC)

Training Methodology

It must consist of 100 words that explain your methodological approach and/or describe the methods of data collection and analysis.

Professional Impact

The participants will:

  • Monitor and survey performance with advanced production views that will help to fully control day to day production surveillance.
  • Production forecast on different levels (Well – Reservoir – Field – Company).
  • Analyze any asset and share results using standards.
  • View, relate, and analyze reservoir and production data with comprehensive tools, including interactive base maps with production trends, bubble plots, and diagnostic plots.
  • Use Catalog workflow templates for famous and most used tools.

Daily Topics

For registration, course outline & more information please contact

NAYEL Training Centre 

Tel: +971 45587735 | Mob: +971 50 249 6876 | WhatsApp: +971 50 249 6876

Email:  [email protected]

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